Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sweden is better at driving than America....

So of course im going to talk about sweden, because i've gotta represent. Anyways, getting your drivers license now theres a topic that im sure you all know very little about. Its a pain right in the butt to get your swedish drivers licesne. You can start to practice driving or "övningskörning" at the age of 16, but you cannnot take your drivers test until you are 18 and you can only sign up for it as long as you havent gotten in any trouble with the swedish police( we dont want an criminals, so theres deff. a background check). So basically you name needs to be clean. "Körkortstillstånd" which is a permit is the next thing you need to be able to practice driving. To get this, you need to go get another paper which testifies that your eyesight and hearing are up to par. After taking exams for this exams, which you can do that the eye doctors.You send this paper to the authority in control of roads and traffic in Sweden, "Vägverket". A few weeks later, your "körkortstillstånd" comes in the mail. So now you wanna get your license right. Well you can either go to a driving school(which is what most people do) or have your parents teach you. The down fall with driving school is its gonna cost you about $70. To take the test its gonna cost about $150. You take a 6 hour driving test, that has an ice test, driving around parkign different places, driving on a high way with lots of traffic, going round a circle and parellel parking between 2 cars and such is involved. Then theres the 70 question quiz you need to take. So after all thats done and over with, Yay! you got your license as long as you do well on all those parts. Of course this is why Swedes are better drivers then American, when we do things we do it right.

So yea getting your license in sweden HUGE pain in the butt!


Wulfgar said...

Now that's the way to do it. The Swedes have the right idea. It should be that difficult to get a driver's license. That kind of a process eliminates most of the bad drivers and allows for a much lower accident rate and such. Great idea.


Tim said...

i read the title of this abomination of a blog and i was so sick i couldnt start reading the article. however reading erik drums comments "eliminates most of the bad drivers" im just assuming that that means there are no woman drivers in sweden?
<3 Tim

Brian M. Shaver said...

I concur with tim

-Brian Shaver

(America Love it or Leave it)